Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring is in the air...things taking too long!

Thank God, March is here and Spring near! Living in a cold weather climate, such as, Chicago can push you to the limit and make  a native want to pack up and leave this windy and cold city. I look forward to at least being able to live out winters in a more warmer climate. Born in the Spiring, I truly have an awakening each and every season as summer is right around the corner. Then we move on to complaining about the unruly heat, never satisfied I guess? To go through days, weeks of cloudy days and no sun in sight takes it toll as I fancy myself as a Sun Goddess! Well, I'm ready and taking these couple of months before summer hits to lose weight, exercise more, really to become more physically fit, so I'll have more energy to be more active. It truly is mind over matter. With all the forward thinking, I'm dilligently working on staying in a present time mold, "the power of now" kinda stuff.

I saw Fashion Designer, Film Director Tom Ford on Oprah and he imparted some wisdom I've read and have known, but served as a reminder, he commented on "the power of now." I'll come back with more about his story later. No matter how many plans we make, our hopes for a brighter tomorrow, it's really now that counts more than tomorrow's promises. We don't know what the future holds, but we know who holds it, God for those who believe. As I get anxious, I remind myself, if I don't stay in present time, I'm not in balance and my angst will only recyle itself dressed up as different problems. The reality is regardless of problems, it's really about maintaining balance, because there'll always be something to fix or fixate over, so get over it and live right this instant! Boy, do I need this reminder as I grow impatient about things I'm working on and waiting on fruition of some dreams I never stopped dreamming, when in actuality, I'm waiting on the fullness of time. But, I must stay in a place of balance, never mind how hard I've worked, my sacrifices and preparation, problem-solving, my peace and fulfillment doesn't lie in resolutions or achievements, but in my state of mind and how I decide to see obstacles, delays or challenges. Do I make what can make me feel discomfort the predominate force in my life, I think not. What does this have to do with beauty?

Well, what we stress over diminishes our overall healthiness and this is the crux of beauty, physical, mentally and emotionally wellness. Our attitudes make us beautiful, but we can't feel beautiful and exude this powerful energy when we're lamenting over what's broken or taking to long to manifest.

Counting your blessings is a way to bring you back to a state of gratitude, the foundation of spirituality. Living in present time is crucial as you forge ahead with exciting new projects, meeting new people, exploring possibilities and taking life head on, you need to be present,  focused and carefree!

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