Saturday, March 13, 2010

Is anybody for real... authentic...Is Monica's Breakup, a publicity stunt?

I have to say that I'm just finished with wanting people to be what I think they ought to be, my error! I used to get really frustrated with people not being authentic and having integrity. I'm still caught off-guard with people and their actions that clearly depict a person in caos, who's self-sabotaging. I live in a big city, Chicago and it's cold here, not always just the winter weather, but the people can be because it's historically, a segregated city with pockets of diversity. It creates alienation and elitism...bottom line, separation and feeling less than for many. You can't be your authentic self looking down on others or shrinking because of your material net worth.

 As I read the blogs and see singer Monica is going through a break-up and some people saying it's a publicity stunt or the unkind words and thoughts thrown her way is disturbing. There seems to be a lack of compassion and empathy in this world. In my everyday life and travels, I see it in people, how cold they are and the anger. Either people are overly-ambitious and will stop at nothing to get what they want or others are hating the world because they're not pursuing their dreams or feel it's hopeless to even try and hate others who think differently! So we wear masks to conceal our real idenity and intent and the internet is an outlet for us simply be ourselves.

Wyclef is on the internet again, this it's about an allege mistress that his YELE organization paid $100,000 to perform as Program Director, it's disheartening if it's true!  Where's the integrity? In our everyday lives, where's the integrity, even when no one is looking? It's easier to be honest with ourselves in the long run because the emptiness of lies and deception catches up with us and our ill-actions haunt us, even while the sun is shining down on us. With pop culture governing our lives, reality TV, instant celebrity status for just about anyone, YouTube singing sensations, music that doesn't say much and allows sex to sell it, all of it isn't bad, but not much of it is good either!

More of us have to find a way to be honest, authentic, true people! We must celebrate character and the ability to tell the truth and award kindness, not just Forbes wealthiest people in the world and our celebrities. Allow the driver to pass who's sitting in traffic, open the door and allow the other person to go through first, permit the person talking to finish their sentence and thought, don't be afraid to accept help and express gratitude, learn to receive and not just take, put aside private agendas and do the right thing more times than not, believe there's enough for everyone, be wise, but be kind and generous on a multitude of levels!

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Lady Gaga's Telephone Video - featuring Beyonce...Is It Wack or Art?

Well, there's been an incredible buzz with Lady Gaga's latest music video "Telephone" featuring Beyonce! It's Gaga for sure and both ladies do a good job in this campy, Quentin Tarrantino-inspired video, but what are the messages they're sending? The violence is over the top and totally unneeded. This is for adults, healthy individuals, but that won't always be the case. The kids are going to heavily consume this video with the poisoning, fights and partial nudity, it doesn't send a good message. I can understand some defending this as art, while some say it's wack and disgusting.  To make sure it gets airplay, they added a sizable amount of product placement from Diet Coke to Wonder Bread and Miracle Whip to Virgin Phone. Now who's going to turn down what would total millions of dollars of free advertising! Lady Gaga is a revamped version of Madonna and Irish artist, Roisin Murphy, not as original as I initially thought. Knowing what's going on with our young people is my real concern, the suicide rates, campus shootings, inner city blues, this isn't the way to sell records. The video would have been still very good without the violence. I get it's a take-off on Tarrantino films, but it's exploitation! If it takes all of this to create a buzz and make what some will call "epic"...a much over-used word, like diva, then is it worth it? Can't artists create original music anymore, their own  swagger infused with yesterday, without straight out duplicating, make cutting-edge videos without appealing to our lowest nature? There seems to be no end in sight for what artists will do to sell music and at who's expense?

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Ego Tripping By Nikki Giovanni

I love poetry, "Ego Tripping" is that poem by the extraordinary and legendary Nikki Giovanni!  Words are so powerful and used well, they can deposit within us, joy strength and beauty!

Ego Tripping (there may be a reason why)

I was born in the congo

I walked to the fertile crescent and built
the sphinx

I designed a pyramid so tough that a star

that only glows every one hundred years falls

into the center giving divine perfect light

I am bad

I sat on the throne

drinking nectar with allah

I got hot and sent an ice age to europe

to cool my thirst

My oldest daughter is nefertiti

the tears from my birth pains

created the nile

I am a beautiful woman

I gazed on the forest and burned

out the sahara desert

with a packet of goat's meat

and a change of clothes

I crossed it in two hours

I am a gazelle so swift

so swift you can't catch me

For a birthday present when he was three

I gave my son hannibal an elephant

He gave me rome for mother's day

My strength flows ever on

My son noah built new/ark and

I stood proudly at the helm

as we sailed on a soft summer day

I turned myself into myself and was


men intone my loving name

All praises All praises

I am the one who would save

I sowed diamonds in my back yard

My bowels deliver uranium

the filings from my fingernails are

semi-precious jewels

On a trip north

I caught a cold and blew

My nose giving oil to the arab world

I am so hip even my errors are correct

I sailed west to reach east and had to round off

the earth as I went

The hair from my head thinned and gold was laid

across three continents

I am so perfect so divine so ethereal so surreal

I cannot be comprehended except by my permission

I mean...I...can fly

like a bird in the sky...

Poet: Nikki Giovanni

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring is in the air...things taking too long!

Thank God, March is here and Spring near! Living in a cold weather climate, such as, Chicago can push you to the limit and make  a native want to pack up and leave this windy and cold city. I look forward to at least being able to live out winters in a more warmer climate. Born in the Spiring, I truly have an awakening each and every season as summer is right around the corner. Then we move on to complaining about the unruly heat, never satisfied I guess? To go through days, weeks of cloudy days and no sun in sight takes it toll as I fancy myself as a Sun Goddess! Well, I'm ready and taking these couple of months before summer hits to lose weight, exercise more, really to become more physically fit, so I'll have more energy to be more active. It truly is mind over matter. With all the forward thinking, I'm dilligently working on staying in a present time mold, "the power of now" kinda stuff.

I saw Fashion Designer, Film Director Tom Ford on Oprah and he imparted some wisdom I've read and have known, but served as a reminder, he commented on "the power of now." I'll come back with more about his story later. No matter how many plans we make, our hopes for a brighter tomorrow, it's really now that counts more than tomorrow's promises. We don't know what the future holds, but we know who holds it, God for those who believe. As I get anxious, I remind myself, if I don't stay in present time, I'm not in balance and my angst will only recyle itself dressed up as different problems. The reality is regardless of problems, it's really about maintaining balance, because there'll always be something to fix or fixate over, so get over it and live right this instant! Boy, do I need this reminder as I grow impatient about things I'm working on and waiting on fruition of some dreams I never stopped dreamming, when in actuality, I'm waiting on the fullness of time. But, I must stay in a place of balance, never mind how hard I've worked, my sacrifices and preparation, problem-solving, my peace and fulfillment doesn't lie in resolutions or achievements, but in my state of mind and how I decide to see obstacles, delays or challenges. Do I make what can make me feel discomfort the predominate force in my life, I think not. What does this have to do with beauty?

Well, what we stress over diminishes our overall healthiness and this is the crux of beauty, physical, mentally and emotionally wellness. Our attitudes make us beautiful, but we can't feel beautiful and exude this powerful energy when we're lamenting over what's broken or taking to long to manifest.

Counting your blessings is a way to bring you back to a state of gratitude, the foundation of spirituality. Living in present time is crucial as you forge ahead with exciting new projects, meeting new people, exploring possibilities and taking life head on, you need to be present,  focused and carefree!

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